20240427061020 Date Time - Web Server
20240427060938 Date Time - Weather Observation Time
42 seconds difference

Photo - Saturday, April 27th, 2024 @ 06:10
Weather - Saturday, April 27th, 2024 @ 06:09
Weather 2 - Saturday, April 27th, 2024 @ 06:09

The following data file is uploaded each minute. Not all data is used by each weather reporting service.
27/04/2427/04/24[0] date (always dd/mm/yy)
06:09:3806:09:38[1] time(always hh:mm:ss)
27.0[th0temp-act][2] outside temperature
96[th0hum-act.0][3] relative humidity
26.3[th0dew-act][4] dewpoint
0.0[wind0avgwind-act][5] wind speed (average)
0.0[wind0wind-act][6] latest wind speed reading
127[wind0dir-act.0][7] wind bearing (degrees)
0.0[rain0rate-act][8] current rain rate
0.00.0[9] rain today
1007.91010.1[10] barometer
SE[wind0dir-act=endir][11] wind direction
0[wind0wind-act=bft.0][12] wind speed (beaufort)
m/sm/s[13] mph wind units
CC[14] temperature units
hPahPa[15] pressure units
mmmm[16] rain units
0.00.0[17] wind run (today)
1007.31009.6[18] pressure trend value
25.80.0[19] monthly rainfall
2608.00.0[20] yearly rainfall
0.00.0[21] yesterday's rainfall
29.417.5[22] inside temperature
4142[23] inside humidity
27.0[wind0chill-act][24] wind chill
26.6--[25] temperature trend value
27.725.6[26] today's high temp
01:3000:00[27] time of today's high temp (hh:mm)
26.325.6[28] today's low temp
04:2700:00[29] time of today's low temp (hh:mm)
1.30.0[30] today's high wind speed (average)
00:1600:00[31] time of today's high wind speed (average) (hh:mm)
3.10.0[32] today's high wind gust
01:4600:00[33] time of today's high wind gust (hh:mm)
1007.91010.1[34] today's high pressure
05:5200:08[35] time of today's high pressure (hh:mm)
1006.51008.8[36] today's low pressure
02:3502:48[37] time of today's low pressure (hh:mm)
5.75.8[38] Cumulus version
1513215186[39] Cumulus build number
0.0[wind0wind-max10][40] 10-minute high gust
31.4--[41] heat index
27.0--[42] humidex
0.00.0[43] UV Index
0.00.0[44] Evapotranspiration today
56.00[45] Solar Radiation W/m2
127--[46] 10-minute average wind bearing (degrees)
0.0[rain0total-sum60][47] rainfall last hour
00[48] current forecast number (see samplestrings.ini). Negative means 'exceptional'
11[49] Is daylight? 1 if currently within daylight hours, 0 if not
00[50] Sensor contact lost (1 = yes) (Fine Offset only)
SE[wind0dir-avg10=endir][51] wind direction (average)
00[52] Cloudbase
mm[53] Cloudbase units